The action of loudly announcing to the whole room that one is about to defecate copiously and then leaving the room to do so.
Dick: "I'm gonna stewart!" *leaves*

Jane: "Why's he got to always stewart us?"
by SilentS February 17, 2008
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to look like the twins on Alice and Wonderland.

- short, stumpy, big head.
look at that guy playing basketball. compared to everyone else he looks like a stewart.
by 8 fl oz. June 11, 2010
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from what ive seen on saturday night live, i must say...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Run for your lives!
by Jay C October 2, 2003
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oh those poor liberals...quick gas-station boy,hand over your paycheck to help save Martha,Bill Gates and Phil Knight
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Chick who got sent to prison.
Oh shit, It's Martha Stewart! And she's in prison! (everyone laughs)
by go fuck yourself October 7, 2004
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