A Fat Chick. A term taken from Gilligan's Island. A three hour tour says it all!
C.T.- "Bro, did you bang The Skipper last night?"

Kill- "Hell yeah fool! She was sniffin around my door so I had to hit it!"

C.T.- "Douchebag!"
by Kill1349Chief February 2, 2009
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Someone who takes dick, a fudgepacker
Ryan Seacrest is a skipper
by JB October 20, 2004
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A guy who zooms past you on the freeway and slows down immediately after so you have to slow down. He waits in front of you for a few minutes until he gets the urge to skip again. Skipping is a serious compulsive disorder.
"Quit dickin' around and we'll get there skipper. You're slowing us down and fuckin' our rythm."

"There's a line of 50 cars moving 58 in a 55, and he is still not satisfied until he gets to the front on a two lane highway. Skipper, you're a dick buddy."
by Senora Dibiatchio October 1, 2006
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To have sex with someone, sometimes in a controlling manner.
Becky: "I got skippered by the Tuna Captain last night.
Michelle: "Becky you dirty slut! You know he's skippered half the town already right!?"
Becky: "I know! But he just has a way of talking a girl into it!"
by MoscowRant January 24, 2012
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A girl that sleeps around with guys that work on the same funfair
She's such a skipper, she goes from trailer 2 trailer
by x-funfairgirl-x December 1, 2007
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stupid girl, usually cannot form a well writen sentence.

ill-informed logic, sucks at life.

easily pied by all of south florida, mostly the men.
That girl skipper, her arms are so hairy. I bet she has a hairy cooch too.
by teh armpiester April 16, 2008
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<to skipper, skippered, skippering> verb meaning to vacate your bowels in an extraordinarily time sensitive manner aka instant, flaming, burning diarrhea or pissing ut your asshole. Word origin stems from a restaurant chain in the Pacific Northwest known for (mystery) fish and chips.
My God! I almost skippered myself in the car on the way home from lunch. That's the last time I eat at that place!

Damn! I think I skippered out my pancreas after I ate that burrito from that street vendor.

Wow! That restaurant is suing me for 400 dollars for destruction of property after I skippered in their bathroom!

by Katya7666 January 16, 2006
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