Colloquialism: "nothing at all".

Comes from English slang; exact origin is unknown.
"There's nothing in the fridge," said Richard. "Not a sausage."
by Dennis The Tiger January 31, 2005
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A person with little relevance who often acts up and elevates their own status much higher than it ever will be. This person often considers themselves a bit of a god when in fact they are actually, a sausage!
You mate, are a right sausage
by maltavee April 17, 2015
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saw c ej

-noun, any independent music "scene" in the Chicagoland Area that involves a bunch of hairy, sweaty dudes drinking cheap beer. Cute girls are nowhere to be seen. The ones that used to be cute morph into alcoholic slobs.
"hey you want to go see that band at the Mutiny?"

"no way man, that shit is sausage"
by ULTRA-THIN MAGNUM April 18, 2009
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A word shouted at someone when playing a very annoying game.

The game is to set someone up to quickly correct you on something very obvious.

It generally starts a wave of Sausage!! attempts, and can be very rewarding when you catch someone out.
Example 1 -

Geoffrey: Urban Thesaurus is such a funny website

Alan: It's Urban Dictionary (duh!)

Geoffrey: SAUSAGE!!!

Example 2 -

Geoffrey: I would love to, but I don't know how to drive manual

Alan: It's Automatic

Geoffrey: SAUSAGE!!!
by jamjarjamjar June 29, 2011
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A man’s penis. Usually referred to by an intimately-involved female to express indignation at the guy’s apparent practice of thinking only with his dick.
He: Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
She: Well, if THAT’S how you feel, then I say, why buy the entire PIG just to get a little SAUSAGE?! (Acknowledgements to Andy Rooney)
by QuacksO September 25, 2011
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1. Noun. Male genetalia.

2. Adj. Can be used to describe a male dominated event.
"I'm not going to that club. It's nothing but a sausage party!"
by Aliqua February 11, 2005
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