Endangered sub-species of homo sapiens, who due to ineptitude in any given task poses a health hazard to themselves and their surroundings. Often suffers from mal-nutrition, as simple tasks as chopping a vegetable with a knife, results in hospitalization. Also prone to different infections and diseases, as handling used rags, mops and cleaning equipment that's not highly specialized (as promoted in an infomercial), will despite ease of use and common knowledge, be used not only wrongly - but with some sort of health risk. Some cases of hoarding has been observed, but there is yet no documentation of Infomercial Sapiens" being hoarders in general.

UNESCO has put Infomercial Sapiens on the endangered species list, as they will either kill themselves, or die out when streaming of media will remove infomercials from TV-screens.

See also Infomercial People, Infomercial
Karen was so sad to discover her son had the "infomercial sapiens" mutation, and probably only had a couple of years left to live.
by GorramYadda February 9, 2018
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A derogatory term used to define someone who thinks or act like he or she is more important than the rest of the people.
Tom: Hey bro, I haven’t heard from our friend Jimmy these days, where is he hiding at?
Andrew: Nah bro, I ain’t in talking terms with that dude these days, he has been acting extra-sapiens since hitting big in oil business.
by HakunaMatataKing March 11, 2018
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Singular or plural noun. As for the word homo sapiens, a geeko sapiens is considered as a "wise geek", a white hat hacker and sometimes a gray hat hacker.

The notable example of the word usage is in the famous drawing of Nitrozac & Snaggy -
Geeko sapiens, talking to a classmate: Give me your lunch money or I'll hack into your homepage.
by Geeko Sapiens March 20, 2010
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A species of human beings that walk slowly everywhere and block your path.
Sam: Dude, why are you so late?
Dude: Slomo sapiens. Fucking slomo sapiens.
Sam: Oh, got it.
by hwip July 15, 2011
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the individual in a group of 'bros' who is considered the most intelligent or wise. this bro has aided his fellow bros in numerous adverse situations, usually evading police or rival bros. the wit and cunning of the bromo sapiens has been instrumental in picking up chicks.

"sapiens" is Latin for "wise" or "knowing". while an equally legitimate term, bromo sapiens is a reference to "homo sapiens", which is the scientific name of the human species.
Despite being absolutely hammered, Jim, the bromo sapiens of the bunch, was able to successfully navigate through the city with only slight injuries to a few pedestrians.

*with sarcasm*
(after accidentally discharging an illegal handgun kept in his pants) Dude #1: fuck!

Dude #2: wow, nice work, bromo sapiens. that's even worse than Plaxico Burress, for fuck sake!
by Orgetorix May 2, 2010
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The term used to describe beings made of snow, whose gender one may not know, or if there are both male and female snow-beings being referred to.
Class, please finish coloring in your snowmo-sapiens and be sure to put your name on the back.
by bavardeflea January 14, 2011
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Neopronouns normally used by closeted gay men to identify eachother online
I use homo/sapien pronouns but can you please use homo more
by _baka_ July 8, 2021
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