You're the reason why I get up everyday with a smile in the morning and go down in sleep with a smile in the night, you put the biggest smile on my face and make my heart soar high every time I see you even if it's only for a bit. When I look at you with that curly hair I like the smile you have that I love and look into those deep blue/green beautiful eyes I see who you are, I see all that you've been through the tear,the pain,the scars I see who truly you are and I accept every bit of you though there maybe somethings I don't like I accept it I take you whole heartily.I know I'm hard sometimes that I get pissed and angry at some of the things you do but that is only because I care and I don't want you to fall down, fail or feel hopeless I wanna protect you,give you hope keep you safe in my arms. I can never get too mad at you because I just end up forgiving you and let it go.You have hurt me,burned me, made me cry and broke me into millions of pieces but I wont leave you its okay that you've made me cry hurt me and burned and broke me because i just want to put that behind us I just want you in my future to be mine where hopefully one day we get married, have a house, have kids , be happy and survive all the good and bad times that we will have to go through..One day I just hope you just wake up and realize that it was me along... It would just really break my heart and damage me good if you ended up being with someone else. Anyway Happy Valentines love.
Just think of it like this Samantha If I were to know every fish in the sea and If I only had to pick one fish out of everyone in the sea I would pick you every time without a doubt in my mind.
by Picarya February 13, 2013
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The cutest little girl to ever live... I love her so much :) she is perfection
Samantha is my little flower
by patchey136 December 21, 2008
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An awesome, beautiful young girl who is most likely always liked by many boys and is very hot! Samantha usually has tons of friends and they all care for her. If you are not dating a samantha right now, bad choice. She is a keeper and won't be prude. Samantha's have nice bootys and awesome lips.
Boy 1: Man, i just had the best time at the beach hooking up wid samantha in the water.

Boy 2: Damn, i wish i had one of those. You are one lucky man.
by stcsuperstar55 June 25, 2011
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The best person you will ever meet... You will be sorry that you never got the chance to meet a Samantha!
Samantha is awsome!... She is such a Samantha!!!
by Emely C February 11, 2009
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A Samantha is a loving and kind girl. She is usually gorgeous and angelic looking. If you do not know a Samantha it would be worth your while to get to know one. She is the best friend you will ever have.. she is fun, nice, sweet, easy to talk to, and will not betray you. Samantha's usually look innocent, but are the funnest people ever (and they most likey have gotten around). Samantha's are always themselves and do not try to impress anyone. They also do not like it when people try to impress her, they are down to earth girls and just want to be around genuine people. Samantha's are the type of people you can trust and the type of person you want to get to know.
boy1: that is hot but looks shy
boy2: she's a samantha .. so she must be amazing
by straight_up_! December 28, 2010
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By far, the most amazing person in the world. The ideal friend and girlfriend. She is super cute, and can easily pull off the hot look and turn anybody on. Samantha's are also extremely nice, very outgoing, and the most adorable thing to walk this planet.

Also, there are a occasionally a Samantha that can be found that are pretty much the epitome of a girlfriend. They can talk to you for hours, solve any problem, give amazing hugs, give outstanding kisses, and write cute little notes/letters to you. She is also a professional at making out (not in a slut kind of way, but in a "I can do everything" kind of way), and can make a man melt for her.
Boy 1: Oh damn, who is that?!
Boy 2: Don't you see how cute she is? She's obviously a Samantha.
Boy: Cute? I think that's an understatement.
by deepinlove June 20, 2010
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Samantha is the most beautiful girl any one can know
i love her so much
she is someone who is chill and is very understanding
and never judges
Anyone who knows this person is the luckiest person alive
This person is the most amazing, hot, Beautiful, and lovable person ever to walk this planet.
I love you
Samantha is so beautiful and she always knows what to say
by IC95 September 24, 2009
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