One of the hill schools in the Bronx. At Riverdale, the men are gods, the women are supple nymphs with bodies like those in Botticelli's Primavera. Ambrosia, Wine, and Passoguava juice flow freely from the taps and there is ceaseless merriment. The students honoured to called themselves Riverdalians are the most intelligent, sophisticated, and athletic in, dare I say it, the US of A, and yet also the most humble and modest. Truly, they are a blessed race.

Of course, when you're sober and have to go to the damn place five times a week, it looses some of its appeal, but we're still 10X better than the creepy hobgoblins from the other two hill schools.
Riverdale has many notable alumni, such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Alexander the Great, Indiana Jones, and Saint Simon Peter.
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Riverdale: a horrible show only mentally disabled teenage girls enjoy.
Stacey:have you seen the new episode of Riverdale it's so good right ?
Brittany : yea Archie is sooo hot
by Qboi December 1, 2019
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The most confusing teen drama out there ngl. Teen girls love because we somehow understand what is happening in the show. Long story short: "Teens" in a really not normal town do unteenagery things, like solve mysteries and sometimes do musicals (like what school lets teens do Heathers). And there's queen Kevin he's our lord and saviour he can not be hated on.
Teen Boy: Do u watch Riverdale
Teen Girl: OMG YASSSS I love it!!!!
TB: Please Explain what's happening
TG: *Explains the unexplainable*
TB: OOOOOOkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaayyyyyy...
by YaLikeJazz2006 January 19, 2020
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Who the hell doesn't know what Riverdale is
Hiram Lodge: I now own all of Riverdale
by roxelllllllllllllya July 21, 2019
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A cringe show full of people in their twenties trying to pass off as teenagers who sound utterly brain-dead when they speak because their dialogue is written by boomer scriptwriters who think every one under forty-two speaks in sjw twitter hashtags.
Person 1: riverdale is such a cool, hip show!
Person 2: shut up mom
by bagel_brother January 22, 2020
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but who even watches this show unironically anymore??
"Here's to Ronnie.....aND ARCHIE....and betty....and...jughead🤔"- riverdale
by gracehatesriverdale May 23, 2020
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An awesome small rich community which is like Westchester. The REAL Riverdale is from the Century Building to the Mount. Any crappy place (Kingsbridge, Moshulo, etc.) is NOT RIVERDALE, it is Kingsbrige or Yonkers. Almost all of the people are rich or wealthy and live in Mandsions or Large Apartment. It is very Irish and Jewish.
That place was so Riverdale.
by riverdalegal January 28, 2009
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