An alternative word for style other than : fly, ghetto fabulous, The Shiznit, iced-out, etc.

A person's style that's ridiculous is "fly".
My style is off the chain ridiculous cuz I roll like dat!
by Thegirl March 27, 2007
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He is often in a state of ridiculation, where his own personality is ridiculous if not funny.
by TheArtistFormerlyUnknown March 30, 2019
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when something (be it a Movie, book, or anything else) is both really awesome AND is really funny.
The movie Kick-Ass! is so ridiculous, it has parts in it that show blood and gore but also make you laugh a lot.
by MasterMoneybags May 4, 2010
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Chloe Bourgeois’s catchphrase from Miraculous Ladybug (probably one of the best shows ever as well as in existence).
Someone gave Chloe KFC instead of whatever the Hell she ordered.
Chloe: I asked for a beef fillet with fois de gras not this poor person food (Throws KFC at someone in a massive fit of rage) This is so ridiculous utterly ridiculous!
What a Karen, am I right?
by Delete this account now July 2, 2023
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dat niggaz rymes is ridiculous
by JaY RoC October 23, 2003
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Downright foolish, wrong, immoral, stupid, and dick like. Ridiculous actions by guys often give us a bad name.
Asking a girl out, then changing your mind, so you deny it and tell her she dreamed it. This is ridiculous becasue she knows she didnt and now knows that you think your dreamy.
by Wayne Enterprises78 November 28, 2006
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