Dick Cheny's puppet on a string. its not his fault he's stupid.
give him a break, you didn't honestly think president bush knew what he was doing, did you?
by insertcleverpun September 1, 2008
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proof that even the dumbest, laziest, and most self-serving person can become president of the united states... assuming you have a rich white family.

see also: moron
I don't know who is dumber: President Bush or the country itself for re-electing him... He must have fixed the election somehow... 30% approval ratings don't lie!
by CHvictor February 7, 2007
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A person who loves to see the world revolving around him only. In addition to being a jerk, he loves to cut money off of programs like healthcare and education. Also, he's a huge joke and needs to step down NOW!

"HA HA HA! For my next order of business, I will cut millions of dollars in healthcare and education." says president bush
by BAH BAH! February 5, 2008
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An offensive brute, a scoundrel, the lowest form of life. Possibly a label for the worst level of human living, worse then slavery. Nicknamed after the worst president of all time, or can be referring to that president. A jackass, a sexually depraved parasitic creature who feeds on the hopeless minds of adult america, an organism who would rather have oil then his country's love. Some call him a racist, but most look at him as something bigger, a fascist like the pope. Another use of this name is an error, or any thing described to the personification of the jackass himself
Damn he just pulled a president bush!
by Rastamaan March 8, 2008
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Verb. To suddenly shove an unsuspecting person into the bushes.
Hey, where's Fred?
He's going to be a little late. I president bushed him on the way here and he's still trying to claw his way out.
That's harsh.
I know, but I just can't resist it.
by teemo1 May 30, 2019
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a president who's an idiot, but its not his fault. it runs in the family!
I gotta stay offa them pretzels.-president Bush
by Ben April 4, 2005
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George W Bush: Still the President.

Keep in mind:

Reagan, Bush Sr., and Clinton all took military/economic action against Iraq. The Iraqi fascists were sour and wanted us dead. Saddam housed members of al-Qaeda, paid suicide bombers and killed not only his own people, but our allies in Israel. After 9/11, Bush said that anyone who helps terrorists is just as guilty. America agreed. Bush took action.
Nine Democratic members of Congress introduced the recent bill that would allow for a draft in this situation; not a single Republican was involved, yet the GOP received the blame.

Remember these things. If you try to delete it just because you don't want the opposing arguments out there, you're nothing but an authoritarian communist. Heed these words, America, and whether you agree with Bush or not on everything else, the man is not a bloodthirsty maniac; that was Saddam Hussein.
Spread the word. Keep it alive here on UrbanDictionary.
by Logic Lou December 19, 2004
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