"Do you swear a lot?" - "No. I'm a potato"
"Are you popular?" - "No I'm too much of a potato"
by Grammar Potato July 18, 2017
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Someone who's forever alone and no one would want to touch with a 10 ft stick.
by Bryn Tilney May 8, 2013
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A word to describe an absolutely amazing and beautiful or good looking. Like SUPER freaking good looking person.
"He was looking potatoful today"
"Did you see how potatoful she looked today?"
by Potato716 October 14, 2017
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something you can boil, mash, or stick in a stew.
PO-TAT-OES! Boil 'em, Mash 'em, Stick 'em in a stew.
by DaChazman September 5, 2004
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A word that can be used in place of other words such as stupid, retarded, etc. Potato, or potatoes if the situation calls for it, can be used as an adjective to describe a person or an event/series of events.
"That was some potatoes right there"

"Last night was so full of potatoes"

"Are you with potatoes right now?"
by FuneralMoon1533 January 17, 2013
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The only edible plant that will grow during a mini-ice age. Means of surviving a inhospitable environment.
Man, his friends are cold; glad I brought a potato with me.
If it wasn't for my pug companion, I'd have to be my own potato.
by Br&t August 2, 2015
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