Girl with beautiful green eyes. Loves to talk about series and books. Patricias are just passionate about these stuff. Brown curly hair, beautiful smile. Ugly hand writing. Always there for people when they need her. Patricias are strong, Independent, but still love hugs and being with someone. Kind of girl that wants a man, But doesn't need him. Hopeless romantic with a dirty mind. Most beautiful girl you've ever seen and you feel so comfortable in her presence. Obsessed with art like writing, music, acting.
There's no girl that can love you the way a Patricia will
by loverofartists December 29, 2016
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A girl who is damn sexy, stunning, gorgeous, and lovable all at the same time, lulling men into a state of deep attraction with just one flirtatious look.
Frank: Boy is she Patricia girl i've ever seen
by Stew Acing February 4, 2010
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a person who thinks a highly of her self. independent yet wants to fit in with society and doesn't need a man. she wants to travel world yet she loves her creature comforts. one who loves the exotic spices f Asia yet rejects them because of society. sometimes she will come out and do her own thing but other times she will stay put and be hermit.
hey patricia wanna come over
everyone else is coming
by thereal dictionary March 11, 2017
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Super sweet, really nice person who always gets what she wants. People with this name tend to have amazing boyfriends and are really easy to love.Sexy.Epic.Fun to talk with.AMAZING kisser.Good taste in music.Dresses nice.
Patricia is awesome?
by Yee foshizzle June 8, 2011
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a femme fatale. with intelligence and beauty. she's an "all around girl" like LL's cut. Usually nicknamed Sophia or Phia. Very friendly, a down-ass chick, book smart and full of wisdom.

Uses "both eyes to see" the world

a wifey type that can make a man satisfied. cook good, look good and feels good.

A one of kind girl, rare to find and once you find it hold on to it till eternity.
by demona187 February 3, 2010
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Patricia is derived from latin word "patrician" that gives meaning of "noble", that suits her name tho.
She has a lot of characteristics as a noble person.
Patricia is a sensitive hooman, she likes being loved in a gentle way.
She has a lot of trauma that is why.
She never chase people, but when she does, she loves you very much.
Patricia has a pure smile so make sure you are the reason why she smiling.
She will be the bravest person u have ever known, she is willing to take all the responsibility and stand upon it.
She is sensitive at the same time, so do not ever make any unacceptable moves because she will easily lose her interest and unhesitatingly loath you presence. whole-hearted.
She is a very kind person, she likes making people around her happy.
She is fearless and tender person, she will fight for you without any hesitation.
She will never allow someone to take a step on your line.
She is willing to break her impregnable wall just to be with you.
: who's that pretty girl over there?
: oh i like her too, she's patricia, she is one of a kind.
by maxiemus November 24, 2021
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Patricia is an amazing girl, and a great friend who you want to keep close.

She has the most beautiful eyes in the world. You instantly fall in love with her when you see her adorable smile.

Person a: waow that girl was so sweet and amazing
Person b: of course it's Patricia
by Ginger girl March 16, 2019
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