When a strange or paranormal experience occurs in the realms of a technological environment.
I went on Worlds last night and had the most cyber-paranormal experience of my life!
by Blankfaece June 23, 2015
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a lame movie that is not scary at all unless you do not know any better and believe it is real. there are three different endings. the people could not act. it does not matter that there was not any blood or whatever, and i have a wonderful imagination, but the movie was only suspenseful. it was slow paced. it is not the most terrifying horror film. the movie was pretty much filmed in the bed room, and the only thing that happened was a door wiggling, some annoying footprints that took forever going up steps, animal footprints in the powder they left in weird places, the girl stood there, and some screaming.

a total waste of money.
"dude, did you go watch paranormal activity?"
-"ya man, my girl didn't even get scared, it was so lame"
"ya i know, i'm so glad i didn't go to theaters to watch that over hyped lame movie"
-"haha yah. they couldn't even pronounce Micah right!"
by dollfacexxzz22 November 3, 2009
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Paranormal Activity is a 2007 indie horror movie directed by Oren Peli which achieved huge success in late 2009. The movie plays off people's imaginations with very minimal gore and violence. Because of this, people tend to either find the movie one of the scariest they have ever seen or find it to be much too slow. Paranormal Activity is one of the most profitable films in history costing an estimated $11,000 to produce and having grossed approximately $66 million as of October 30th, 2009.

The movie itself follows a young couple, Kate and Micah, as they film themselves attempting to deal with a demonic haunting.
Person 1- "Dude have you seen Paranormal activity yet?"

Person 2- "Yea, it sucked. Nothing jumped out at me and there wasn't enough violence. It was way too boring."

Person 1- "What the hell are you talking about? That was the scariest movie ever! Movie's don't need to be gory like Saw to scare the crap out of you!"
by Bluhhhh November 1, 2009
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The special type of protection to X-Files-like phenomena that comes from being a skeptic, educated, or atheist person. People with paranormal immunity have a special ability for finding rational explainations for otherwise inexplicable events. They also develop an innate aversion to the phrases "Did you hear that?" and "What was that noise?"
"Did you hear that noise?" - Scared Shitless Friend #1
"Oh, shut the f*ck up!" - Paranormal Immunitee

"Dude, don't go in there, that place is haunted!" - Chickensh*t Friend #2
"Don't worry, I've got Paranormal Immunity" - Paranormal Immunitee
by enicot November 29, 2010
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A sound when you hear fucking or people having sex.
Guy 1: Dude did you hear that?
Guy 2: It's Paranormal fucktivity
by Davzz101 January 5, 2013
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When you are haunted by a paranormal being with an enormous penis. Usually appears in bathroom selfies, mirrors, or in very comfortable female environments. Enjoys teabagging and catching you off guard.
Ghost hunting is all fun and games until your girlfriend goes missing and you found out she got murdered by the ghost with the Paranormal penis. What breaks my heart the most is everyone says she was enjoying it the whole time. At least she is resting in peace
by Paranormal penis police force October 15, 2019
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