a ego driven young man, who excels at brown nosing. also has ability to write things online as if they know the whole story. Often has silly nick names,"Big gay bird" "big dodo head",to show the true cuddly nature of this brute beast.
hey, dont be a murray and act tough, we all know your a pussy
by 706 November 21, 2006
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Ballin as shit
To have a Red Fro
1. That mofo just got his ass Murrayed!
2. Look at that kids hair, its hella murray!
by janet peterson June 5, 2007
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A discrete way to meet transexuals.
- Hey my name is Murray.
- Oh, I am Murray too. Want to get all mavericky?
by R Shackelford October 8, 2008
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A strong, extremely intelligent man who is an amazing lover. He is musically talented and has wicked sense of humour.
I wish I could spend all my time with Murray
by PRAIRIECHICK March 3, 2011
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The 13th tribe of Israel, named for the Patriarch Murray Liebowitz the Hat Blocker. Fled Palestine around 70 AD and fled to the Dingle Region of Ireland. Hoards of them poured out of the hill region and into the US, Australia, and Canada after the Potato Famine, or as it was dubbed at the time,"That afternoon we were a wee bit low on Chips." They are Ubiquitous today, being found in every profession, race, color, or creed, under the floor boards and even in the cupboards. Go have a look.
Terrence was cleaning out his tobacco tin, and out popped a Murray for the third time in a week.
"Sorry to shock you so, I was just livin' in your tobacoo tin. I'll go now, but be warned, I've 3 brothers in your dishwasher, and a few aunts and uncles in your pantry. They might not be so agreeable as I."
The Murray ran his finger along the inside of his collar and looked about the kitchen.
I've a bit of a thirst, do you mind if I borrow a jar of Ale from you before I'm on my way?"
by Wisk January 30, 2008
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the want to have large women stand and move back and forth above a small man whilst he extends his tongue
Mike went up to the 6 foot woman and asked her to Murray him.
by T-1 for sale April 19, 2005
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murray. Also known as emmy, is found near the area of como, usually dressed as what people would call an “eshay”. She spends most of her days smoking and vaping in the bathrooms, and is even part of a charity group by the name of “youngins of chaos”. Murray spends alot of her time charging her crystals, and helping kids in need. Two children who are in extreme poverty always come to murray for help, and she happily steps on them <3 she calls them “ash and simmi” . FUN FACT! Did u know emmy runs her own business with Lisa?! stop by their corner store and by urself a pack of ciggies with a free crystal in every purchase! Try one of their free moldy fruit too!
Callardog: have u seen murray today? It’s her time to watch the store

*murray rises from beneath the earth’s crust*

Murray: i have been summoned father callardog?

mann,trash,smoddi,phinester,wee wee and dharman are shooketh to their knees
by sexcmincham May 21, 2021
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