To describe mona is like explaining how all the stars sparkle in the universe. She can walk into a place and stop time around her. The rarity she carries is unlike any other woman I have ever met. Her long black hair is like silk that flows and always finds the position to be hypnotic to my eyes. Her eyes seduce the soul and can make me melt in her presence. They are warm and inviting but mysterious all in the same. She has a smile that will lift anyone and brings me into joy every time I see it no matter the situation. Her body is that of a goddess that just makes you dream of kissing every inch. It is the body that stops you and puts you in a trance and will leave you stunned forever. Her personality is one in a billion honestly. She is super goofy and so fun to be around. I find myself wanting to just talk to her everyday and just to be around her is a gift. She is an excellent talker when it comes to advice. Her birthstone being a diamond is so accurate because she is rare in this life. Even rarer than a diamond. You can tell she would rock your world in bed and leave you addicted like the worst drug. But also she is elegant and graceful when she wants to be and can dress up blowing any woman around out the water. All eyes are on her including always mine. She is unlike any woman I have ever met and maybe in another life I’d have the chance to be hers and her mine. Until then I’ll stay falling in love with you forever.
by Ifonlywecouldbe November 25, 2021
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She is really darling girl but extremely diplomatic and stupid person
Mona is good girl
by April 1, 2022
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Smelly czecho that only goes for ginger people, usually known for their young age in relationship and in a relationship for a VISA. As the people they usually go for have rich parents that are single and lonely.

Tends to infiltrate countries via a raft with her siblings, does not have a Dad as he’s terminally ill on his hospital bed.

Has a resting bitch face
OMG She’s well young! She’s like a Mona.
She paddled over to the UK? She must be a Mona.
Get that Mona like bitch away from me.
by Lachlan Jones January 25, 2020
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In Venetian dialect It has 3 different meanings:
1. The vagina
2. A very stupid person

3. Used in idiomatic phrases (f.e. “Va’ in Mona” “go fuck yourself”)
Gianni, te si veramente un Mona”
“John, you’re literally a moron”

A Mona de to mare!” (used as interjection)
“Your mother’s cunt”
by venetonelcuore01 January 3, 2021
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The beautiful spanish word for monkey.
Mona means monkey in spanish!!!!
If your name is Ramona in if you would transalate it into english it would be Ramonkey
by Nuna123456789 November 20, 2009
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Mona is... Interesting to say the least, she can be annoying at times, but only because she is socially awkward. Mona cares alot... About what others think of her. She is very sensitive, and has terrible mental health, to no fault of her own. But seriously, she is super nice, and a great friend, even though she isn't good at keeping secrets. (Trust me never tell her anything)
Howdy there is that Homer's mom?
Yeah that's mona.
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