A guy that thinks every body like’s him becase he have money but nobody like’s him
There is mehmet let leave
by #$>;27272629490375905 January 10, 2018
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An Arabian - Turkish name dating back to somewhere B.C. The meaning may reflect such merits as honesty, spirituality, genorisity and inner power. you have . It is believed the fire from one's eyes named as Mehmet can whether burn you at a glance or make you the happiest person in your vain life.
What is that shining thing coming from the sky? Oww my bad it must be Mehmet Kamil
by DirtyScrew June 8, 2019
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Conter any statement, question or insult by pulling the race card, even tho it makes no sense at all, and the only one being reacist or prejudice is yourself.
Person 1: Hey Mehmet, can you hand me the book?
Mehmet: Nur weil ich Türke bin, amk, was für Affen.
Person 1: ???
Person 1: Man, du bist schon wieder dabei den Mehmet zu pullen
by FuckingRetards101 November 16, 2018
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