An eccentric with three things:
- A youtube channel
- A gaming pc
- Spoiling parents (hence "maxy")
1) Maxy, your dinner's ready
But mum, I'm recording!

2) Lemon lellos everybody welcome back to another minecarft video today we will be playing eggwars.
by DANKERTRON January 16, 2018
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A disparging term used for a male that offers sexual services to other males, usually of a high powered and affluent cosmopolitan background.
The maxi I had this morning was awesome, my penis is still glowing
by Perplex January 22, 2003
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maxi is a word normally used to express something huge like a huge cock .
but in this case maxi means "small , stupid , retarded and totally gay ".
by Anonymous June 16, 2003
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Maxis is a sweet little potato. She is kind, weird, shows that she cares about others. She is a good advice giver. She is a mini Cupid. She is cute. She is Beautiful, Gorgeous, And Jaw-dropping. Maxi is also short for Maxis.
Maxis is such unique name. Or Maxis loves her friends.
by Peace\mattey June 1, 2019
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maxi madame(riccuci)! the french teacher, cause she has maxi pmsing problems
"i hope maxi never sees this or she'll give me detetion and eat me during it!"
by kelsey April 6, 2005
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Maxis is a kind little potato. She is loving to all. She is a great advice giver. She is a little cupid. She is sweet like a peach. She is weird and helpful, generous and kind. Beautiful, gorgeous, and jaw-dropping.
Maxis is such an unique name.
by Peace\mattey June 1, 2019
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An infamous mafiosi kingpin who is, unbeknownst to law enforcement, actually a seemingly unassuming but wildly clever domestic rabbit who lives in Seaside, California.
The elusive Maxie Bonanno has made more money without ever being seen, than any other mafia wiseguy ever!
by Dr Bunnygirl October 29, 2019
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