when a big thunderstorm is happening a male runs out into the middle of a field ties a piece of metal around his penis waits for his soldier to stand tall. and then waits for the lightening to strike
hey man me and a bunch of the guys are heding out to the field for a north american lightening rod wanna come?!
by ROSETTA STONED May 16, 2009
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a subject that can be used to control someone, as a killswitch for undesirable behavior. it is somewhat synonymous with blackmail, extortion, etc.. derived from the act of tying a Lightening bug (the southern term for Firefly) to a thread, so that it can be jerked around in the air, like a dog on a leash.
my friend told me one of his take-it-to-the-grave secrets, so I told him one of mine, as a lightening bug thread.
by non-redneck in the south March 8, 2007
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When a bolt of nightening hits u in the rectum like its 1994, and then u get the aids in ur butt
Hey Marco, I heard about that lightning bolt that hit u in the answer

Yeah, man now is have the lightening aids
by The true odog September 30, 2022
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When anyone with a two syllable name does something in a quick motion, followed by the phrase "white lightening" and fast arm movements.
Brandon: "can you hand me that?"
Ava: "yes" *White Lightening*
by Ag84842 February 2, 2023
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To make something easier, make a burden lighter.
To be with the family can lighten the load of people with cancer.
by JoanSantana December 8, 2016
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Lightening that happens in the summer and is far away.
Danny, you’re and idiot, that’s heat lightening.
by Woodkidd August 13, 2022
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Describes an intelligent, ambitious, decent and friendly lady in public, but in private with her husband or committed life partner will desire her man in every part of her body with passion and love from deep within her soul
Joe is extremely happy being married to Tiffany, I think she must be velvet lightening.
by Exbublhed July 24, 2021
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