Another word meaning “thick” nice booty, nice thighs, nice, boobs, and you are toned. Trust me there is a difference between juicy and fat... fat means you got a muffin top on your belly and the bakery is calling to ask for their rolls back! Juicy means your broad built and you are fit not a fatty waddling around like a penguin in the artic!
Guy: Dude that girl jenna is juicy!

Other guy: dude she is damn, juicy girls are definitely the best.
by Girl_Slay May 8, 2018
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A really cute baby or a kid, or just something really appealing but usually involving babies
It can also mean pretty ladies nice FACES and bodies.
Word depends on how and who you direct the terms to.
Wow! Little Kevin is sooo cute!

I just want to pinch those juicy cheeks!

Woo damn, she's so fine and juicy!
by Cosmic November 5, 2005
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When you're acting a little bit emo, but not enough to be considered actually emo.
Hailey: I'm going to kill myself tomorrow, there's not enough to live for.

*comes back the next day alive and not hurt*

Sean: You're acting very juicy.
by NotFutureForgotHisAccount November 14, 2021
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According to a late 00's PSA from the Canadian Government, marijuana laced with cocaine. But to be honest no one used this term before this ad started showing up on TV. I still don't entirely understand the concept.
Druggie #1: Yo let's smoke this juicy.
Druggie #2: WTF is juicy?
Druggie #1: Oh, it's when you take marijuana, roll in in cocaine, stuff it inside a giant molly, soak the whole thing in booze, stuff it up a dog's butt, cremate the dog, mix the ashes in water, and drink the whole thing.
by KieranDotW May 17, 2013
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Old school slang term for marijuana mixed with cocaine that was brought about in the 90's

The song Juciy by Notorious Big is said to be secretly named after the substance.
Just smoked some of that Juicy kush
by TheRealOG99 November 18, 2010
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