usually retarded. also might have one or more of the following: diabetes, large tooth gaps, goofiness, or just plain stupidity.
"Don't be like JB" or "You just pulled a JB!"
by Dalton April 20, 2005
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A homosexual fellow who is correct when it comes to politics of America, so far.
JB is such a queer, but his definition of America is great.
by JB July 9, 2003
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This is when you rest your balls on the girls eye lids and then cum upwards into her mouth.
Why the fuck did you give my mom a JB last night??
by what the fuck mate November 19, 2007
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an acronym for the word Jiggle Belly. The epiphany of the loud annoying fat girl.
"Look at JB shovin that sandiwch... fatass!"
"I can't believe JB wore that today but just told us our hair was bad."
by Lezlie.. ;) March 30, 2005
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short abrieviated term for Johnny Blaze which means to toke up
"yo i like to JB on KB"
by Italian Stallion January 29, 2005
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the initial for jungleboys. a collaboration of dark people from the valley created in summer of 2006, straight out of the 818.
Relax your mind, let your conscience be free
And I roll with the sounds of JBZ
by JB. tribal January 22, 2007
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wisky celtic it should read water of death
by cest moi September 30, 2003
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