Isabela is a girl who is witty, industrious,friendly, Hilarious (to some people) short fused and beautiful inside and out. When offered food she will not hesitate to eat it, but be careful when doing so, fingers were known to be lost. Now please do not get Isabela confused with Isabella, you uncultured swine! Also Isabela is very friendly but has more acquaintances rather then close friends, SHE IS A LITERALN BALL OF SUNSHINE! She will go out of her why to make you feel welcomed and loved.
Person1 “who is that unbelievably gorgeous girl over there”

Person2 “that’s Isabela If you don’t play guitar she’s probably not going to marry you”
by Obviously by Isabela with oneL November 24, 2021
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Isabela is the most creative, the most funniest,
the most charming, the most caring and the
most beautiful person to ever exist. She's goofy
and very cute, she's energetic and very down to
earth. She'll always be by your side, and will
never let you down.
Yo, Isabela do be hitting the gym tho, not gonna
lie. Isabela be looking fine.
by 01Iluvmahgf10 July 24, 2022
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