One's ability to purposely commit an inadvertent act, without any type of forethought.

The ability to act upon immediate cognition.
Evan's subconscious intuition led him to stab his girlfriend during a live news report which she was brodcasting from Times Square. That was not a smooth move; It landed him 20 years of solitary confinement.
by Jack Geezy November 10, 2006
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Assembling a gadget without reading instructions, throwing the extra parts out with box, then calling manufacturer and telling them they weren't included when gadget doesn't work.
Sorry I was late. I installed my GPS via male intuition and got to know your development really well over the past 30 minutes.
by TissPee April 21, 2008
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1.Intuitive aptitude is the ability to understand the structure and operation of complex systems without special education or training

2. Also the base ability of Sylar, in the NBC show Heroes.
Sylar examines Claire's brain and, through Intuitive Aptitude, learns her ability. Heroes - Series 3 Episode 1.
by The Starscrewer. October 26, 2008
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when a friend/person sees things coming, well in advance; very intouch with their surroundings; ready for the unexpected always; observations used to make some funny laughs
"omg, did you see how that person is handling themself"!?!
No, but Deidra pointed them out to me about 10 minutes ago! Deidra's always been good assessing things; she's always in 'intuitive overload' mode; lucky I know her.

by winnipegdude July 15, 2012
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When two lovers seem to know how the other is feeling, even when they are apart.
Julie had been feeling sad all day, when she received a surprise message from her lover (Mark) asking her if she was alright.
Julie had never told Mark she was sad, but his lover's intuition told him something was wrong.
by PurpleParadox February 15, 2012
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is a term used to describe certain evasive consistent symmetry attributes which are subversively planted within the subconsciousness of the social group. With the sole purpose of instilling within society a preconditioned cognitive representation in relation with how the social group response either enthusiastically or with indifference to specific words or phrases in relation to any given political, social or even religious subject. Its intended function is to simulate a reaction very much like that of Metadata or Meta Tags or (Metadata) which are essentially designed to create or to recognise certain keywords pertaining to any given document or information etc.
Mike and John respond with enthusiasm to certa9n aspects of a speech at a convention whereby the language used, is in line or in accordance with what is socially perceived as the norm, and in contrast respond with disinterest to those portions of the speech, which use language that deviates away from what can be categorized as outside the box. There responding entirely upon how they have been in a social context programmed to respond instinctively to a certain language. Instead of assessing the viability of any given subject based on its merits and substance, a perspective which is intuitive-norm.
by Baron Neville July 4, 2017
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Certain skills that gamers develop such as noticing an outlier in a texture, noticing a person's strengths weaknesses and developing a strategy to beat that person in whatever the circumstance, noticing patterns that they can exploit.
Kyle and Elenor used thier Gamer Intuition to find clues that helped them beat the escape room
by KoOBL November 25, 2020
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