In drakes song he means in Chicago the bean monument (cloud gate) google it lol
2:30 baby won’t you meet me ‘by the bean
by Ash.1362 June 19, 2020
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When someone has taken way more then the prescribed or normal amount of Xanax or similar benzodiazepines.
“Yo pat did you end up staying over last night after the party?”

Pat: “Na I dipped I was so beaned I woke up today with a new neck tat and in the Walmart bathroom.”
by Bondo69 March 11, 2018
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when u have a lack of beans
"hey bro u got some beans"
"Sorry, no beans"
by lean with it July 10, 2017
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Something that StorM and co. do in CS:GO.
“I get beaning, beaning! I get beaning, there’s no escaping it”
“And i’m beaning, xanbean, what’s up bro?’
“And i’m naturally xanbeaning, sewbean, what the f*ck is up bro?”
by Adder38 August 27, 2018
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The act of dreaming about things one can never have. Derived from the derogatory term for mexicans ( beaner ) and their tendency to have farfetched fantasies about success.
1)Guy 1: Damn nigga! That poon thinks he can get ass tonight.

Guy 2: SHIITTTT nigga. he needs to stop beaning!

2) Guy 1: That spic be eyeing my car!

Guy 2: aw man. he be beaning.
by A-Men June 10, 2005
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When a clitoris, preferably as large as a banana is used in place of a penis or phallic object to pleasure a persons orifice - “to bean” or “beaning” is the act.
“Damn, Hayley gave me a sturdy beaning last night”
by Satisfyer-Bro2 February 18, 2021
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