The University of Mary-Hardin Baylor, home of The CRU, is by far the best football school, east of the mississippi and south of the mason dixon line. Also the sickest D-III school in the nation. you dont mess with The CRU! UMHB is the oldest school in texas founded in 1845 and is the older sister of Baylor University, but unlike Baylor, The CRU actually wins their games.
HSU fan: hey who are we playing this week?
HSU player: Mary-Hardin Baylor
HSU fan: were playing the CRU!?!?!!?!? WERE SCREWED!!!!
HSU player: ya i know, i dont even know why im going to show up for the game, i might not
by simmonite-hunter September 26, 2009
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A crazed child support worker who will get you fired from your job...defeating the purpose. Janet Hardin is one of Satans closest deamons...wrecking havock on struggling fathers taking all their money so they cannot eat. An ugly witch she is...self centered and stupid. Janet Hardin is known to roam the foothills of western North Carolina.
im goin to apply for food stamps...that damn Janet Hardin went up on my child support.

bitch slut asswipe cunt hooker witch lesbian

ugly turd tampon stupid whore greedy asshole
by aggravateddad February 5, 2010
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North Hardin High School Is a ghetto school with no money extra curricular activities include stealing from people sexual activities chewing tobacco and weed smoking
by urbandog534 March 29, 2017
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A building full of girls who think there hot/popular but in reality there just covering up there pain. And the boys also think there popular but there are also just covering up the pain and if they don't get enough attention they will bully/make fun of people to get more attention.
The boys and girls at Hardin valley middle school are douch bags
by Fuck_this_shit×_× December 22, 2021
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(SHMS) is a middle school of mostly popular people and 6th graders that are snobs. The 8th graders came up with a rule called 8th grade priority and most of the people there suck. This school is in IA

Another way to use that term is to call someone a snob or princess
Omg, you act like you go to South Hardin Middle School.
You must've came from SMHS
by )0( WinRus )0( May 30, 2019
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A idiot who loves getting it from his dad
Hey u want some alex its me ur dad lets get some alex

Alex HArdin - Gay idiot

Hey ur an alex hardin
by Fish legs March 16, 2016
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