Toxic Hanzo
A player in Overwatch who picks the character Hanzo despite his lack of compatability with the other characters on the team.
"We need a more balanced team but this player won't switch. What a toxic Hanzo."
by Handsas March 17, 2017
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The type of people that are complete idiots by thinking that they're cool when they pick a character that they have absolutely no talent with whatsoever. However, once in a while, there are people that are actually good at this same character and provide for the team.
When you get on a comp game and someone says they're a good hanzo/genji main in chat, but they're either horrible or actually good.
"Drew's a hanzo main." "What a BAD GAMER." "I know right?"
"Vishal's a korean weeb." "Is he a genji main?" "Yup."
"Chris is a hanzo main." "He's actually pretty good at him though." "Really?"
by itsova February 28, 2017
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Hanzo is the well-endowed samurai from the cult trilogy Hanzo the Razor. Hanzo is best described as a Japanese amalgamation of Shaft and Dirty Harry. He practiced sadomasochism to further hone his strength and sexual prowess. Examples include pounding his penis into a block of wood with a mallet and humping a dry bag of rice.
Tony just dry humped a Brillo Pad, he's crazy like mutha fucka hanzo.
by Oddjob6025 April 21, 2005
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a person that does very crazy things, without thought or reason . also can be seen summoning demons and slangin' 8 balls to small children. almost like a crazy mutha fucka but even crazier. yep.
that guy just jumped on that guy head and started dancing on his face . thus, that guys crazy like mutha fucka hanzo
by mike j johnson November 9, 2004
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The hottest hunk of a man to ever exist. The most elegant game character to live. The man who I own a 1k picture album of.
Rando: Is that Hanzo Shimada?? Damnnnn look at that rack.
by PeppermintTrees July 22, 2021
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A style of dancing where the dancer believes their dance is of a high quality, but it is clear to observers that they are awkward and don't know what they're doing.
Joe was striking out with the ladies last night. He's got some real Hanzo dance moves.
by Authweight May 26, 2017
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