The act of being ambivalent and or uncaring about an outcome.
``Hey dude, do you want Swiss or Cheddar cheese?''
``Meh, not too fussed mate.''
by thehelix June 2, 2010
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Short for 'drunk Facebook status updating' Similar connotation to 'drunk dialing' and 'drunk texting'. Drunk fussing occurs when one updates their status while intoxicated, saying things he or she would never say sober. One almost always lives to regret it the next day when he or she is reminded of what they did...and it's far too late to take any of it back.
Billy's drunk fussing caused a lashing from the women in his life, who blew up his profile with retorts.

Her drunk fussing revealed far too much to her boss and she lost her job.

His drunk fussing was seen by his parents and they grounded him for his entire senior year.
by DimplesSG July 29, 2009
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a fuss that comes outa da vagina makes a ff sound a vagina fart
i was sitting in class and i pussy fussed
by tori and haley November 24, 2007
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Something which seems to attract a lot of attention and word of mouth while simultaneously raising valid questions if it deserves so much attention.
I know several people who have got the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and even the whole five part trilogy (!) in the Book Top whatever....

I don't get this.
What's all the buzz/fuss about ?
by Razorblätter August 7, 2010
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A person who takes shit while having fun in the shower
Your son is a dusky fuss
by Dusky_Fuss September 29, 2014
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