An ironic synonym for thick. Use it for someone undeserving of the term thickor so retarded that they probably wouldn't understand the difference or I find it useful when sarcasm comes to play. Beware though a chav would use this term as a serious insult.
"Am I being fick?"

"Shit you're fick"

"A general fuckwit, sharing the intellectual qualities of the likes of George W Bush"

"oh my god mo fo you call me fick??"
by Sasha December 7, 2004
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To learn a lesson the hard way or to be screwed over when one deserves better.
"So I was doing community service for these homeless people, and all of a sudden one dropped me with chloroform and they raped me bad."

"Man, you got ficke'd up the ASS."
by hoppy February 22, 2005
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Something one says when you are angry, but laughing at the same time.

Once appeared in a youtube video depicted below.
"You did that? you shut off my xbox without me knowing? oh Fick you guys are hilarious!
by The youtube gods January 27, 2009
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Female dick aka Vagina or vag
"Suck my fick asshole"


Your teacher tells you to stop talking in class so you reply with :

"Why dont you shut up and suck my fick you old fuck."
by LeyLeyDePanama November 14, 2009
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What I often call my boyfriend Mark
Mark, you are a fuc*ing fick
by Julie December 2, 2004
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he thought he was huge but when the pants dropped he had a little fick
by reggie gangsta March 18, 2010
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a conjunction of the words "fucking" and "sick." With the intention of saving air and increasing the ability to fit large profanities into smaller and similar looking words
dude brah, that dirt bike is really fick!

how was the party michael?
totally FICK!
by jacktotheh September 17, 2008
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