Falking is a term used to refer to unknown and persistant stalking by individuals on Facebook.
Gill: "hey I went on a date with that girl I met on eHarmony
John: "Isn't that the hot girl that you friended last week on Facebook?"

Gill: "sort of. We're not friends, I'm was Falking her before our date . She gave me her email address and I used Gmail to get her last name. I had to track her down, to make sure she was cool before the date"
John: "so, how was the date?"
Gill: Ah . . .not so good, I'll just keep "Falking" her until she updates her security on Facebook, her pics are pretty hot.
by superkustom January 17, 2011
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Falk you!
by 13 March 26, 2003
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pronounced 'faulk'

To stalk on Facebook. This may be done by viewing pictures or monitoring comments. News Feed has made falking more acceptable.
Sorry I was falking you, but I saw you were planning on going to the party tonight. Do you want a ride?
by DoubleDey August 15, 2010
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The Act Of Stalking Someone On Facebook.
Bob: Oh My God, I Just Looked At All Of Janes Pictures On Facebook, And She Is So HOTT!

Bill: Damn Bro, You Were just Falking Her Facebook!
by MrJoshClaps February 4, 2010
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I met this girl on the T in Boston, when I got home I falked her, now we are friends on Facebook.

facebook stalker
facebook stalking
by The FSU Boston Trip 09 October 5, 2009
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