Dry is a way of saying never had a hook up. It is like what virgin means for sex, but instead for hook up. This is mostly a word used between the 11-16 age range, because after that sex is usually the kind of sexual act you make.
"Is Suzy dry?", "Yeah she is dry, she has never had a hook up."
by Jimmyjoe123 February 11, 2014
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one who masturbates without lube or lotion therefore has blistering and crusty hands.
Tyrone is so dry.. Dry guy !
by dryguy200x January 29, 2012
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to have a low body fat percentage (bodybuilding term)
That guy is dry ass hell.
That guys is so dry his veins are popping out
by Hermination September 13, 2012
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a combination of being drunk and high
dude last night...i wans't totally drunk and i wasn't totally high...i was dry.
by santoast January 31, 2005
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to offend someone; to be mean
That's dry!
by charisse/ angeline March 27, 2003
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This is a mixture of getting drunk and high.
Dude I was so dry last night I couldnt even stand.
by Fucking Clide December 10, 2007
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Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) is a process philosophy aimed at reducing duplication, particularly in computing - aka Once and Only Once or Single Point of Truth (SPOT). The principle states that information should not be duplicated, because duplication increases the difficulty of change, may decrease clarity, and leads to opportunities for inconsistency. DRY is a core principle in "The Pragmatic Programmer" by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas.
Why didn't you put that piece of code in a function? DRY!
by JR-Fire September 10, 2007
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