An affectionate term for an affectionate act. After completing the act of sweet loving, the male wipes his hand across his ass, runs his finger across his woman's top lip and inserts an explosive device in her mouth, preferably an M-80 firecracker or a fragmentation grenade.
Please accept this detonating sanchez as a token of my affection...oh, shit, sorry, I blew your face off; I'll go get a towel.
by Dan Chen October 1, 2003
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A hard lemon drink that is composed of one of two combinations of liquor depending on region. It is a shooter of sorts and its purpose is to seem more potent than it actually is, thus the "Lemon". It is however rather exotic in taste and will get you pretty smashed without caution.

West Coast:

2 Parts Lemonade
1 Part Irish Whiskey
1 Part Vodka
1 Dash of ground Cayenne Pepper
1 Dash of ground Cinnamon

East Coast:

2 Parts lemonade
1 Part American Whiskey
1 Part Gin
1 Dash of ground Cayenne Pepper
1 Dash of ground Cinnamon
Hey Charlie lets go flip some LIDs (Lemon Irish Detonator) at the pub.
by El Dante May 30, 2009
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creating a google bomb to promote your own webpage. intentionally manipulation google page ranking to make your webpage be within the top search results.
steve lerner created a webpage french military victories which when searched for using googles im feeling lucky button. would display a spoof page suggesting search of french military defeats.
by bigposerhead February 8, 2005
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Cock and ball detonation (CBD) is a sexual activity involving application of explosives to the male genitals. This may involve directly applying plastic explosives, dynamite in the butt or taped to the shaft, black cats in the urethra, application of blast tape to the balls, incendiary rounds, IDEs, flash powder, PENT, cherry bombs attached to the balls, or putting your penis in tannerite.
Damn Cock and Ball Detonation (CBD) is hot, I wanna try it with my friend.
by ST3ve? September 21, 2020
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When somebody drops a bombshell of weird information or inside jokes that only they understand, and you tell them to detonate it and explain what it means.
Zach: "Oh my god I can't believe what just happened! Jamie just shot a dude in the face!! It's like __The Square__ all over again!"
Zire Wu: "Wait what the hell happened in __The Square__?"
Zach: "Oh... it's nothing really..."
Zire Wu: "Oh wait just a minute! You dropped a bomb. Detonate."
by Jakhammer_1 December 5, 2017
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Is a cool dude who gets the ladies because of his older brother.
Deton got 5 girls because of his brother
by weird 2345 March 28, 2018
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The act of blowing up in anger, normally on the internet, when arguing with experts.
That kid totally had turbo detonation after arguing with Dan Z.
by anonymous69696 April 24, 2015
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