When watching others have sex in a car, you climb up on the roof and take a dump through the open sunroof. Extra points are awarded if it lands in a cup holder.
Whilst at his favourite dogging site, Rob noticed the open sunroof of the Vauxhall Vectra... a sign the couple inside were willing participants for a good crowing!!
by Dodgy Foreigner October 20, 2018
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The Messianic figure in the story of Coheed and Cambria, a four part story by the lead singer. all of their songs tell parts of the story. Visit the message boards at www.coheedandcambria.com for more information.
Tim: Dude, I thought Coheed was the crowing, not claudio!
Johnny: You're retarded.
by Anti January 23, 2005
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Crows were scouts for the American Military and considered traitors by other Native Americans.
by talk2me-JCH2 July 19, 2022
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Its a fucking black feathered sky demon. WTF? A crow..
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One who cannot hang at a party: falls asleep or pukes before the party reaches its climax. Also called a crow show. Origin-SC
Maddie: "emma I think I'm being a crow"

Emma: "yea, we're definitely crowing, & it's only 10 p.m."
by Sc vape nation October 17, 2015
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A Verb

Origin: First appeared in the central Texas; more commonly used in the lexicon of particular kind of Austin Folk.

It is believed to have been coined by a young lady named Meagan Heeren

Definition: To make constant and humorous mistakes.
Usage: Man i missed the dam exit.. totally crowing it up right now.
by lord of coco cabana! May 5, 2011
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A person (male or female) who is really thirsty/desperate and tries too hard to get laid.
There are a bunch a crows at the club tonight, everytime a new girl walks in all same guys try and hit on them
by bmorris June 16, 2014
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