When the face of your girlfriend or love interest is blocked on your iTouch by the startup clock.
Friend : This chicks got a sweet bod, but your iTouch is clock blocking her face.
by Oogie Mctaj February 6, 2011
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A place or activity that seems to make time go by very slowly.
Guy 1- "It feels like we have been in this class for 3 weeks"
Guy 2- "Math is such a clock block"
by William Trevorson November 25, 2009
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Clock-Blocking is when you either cock block them in a series of intervals over a extended period of time(e.g. 6 months). Or another form of Clock-Blocking is when you cock block them for a long period of time (e.g. an hour).
Chad 1: Where you Clock-Blocking me and Stacy at the party last nigh?
Chad 2: Yeah but you managed to Clock-Block me and Rei from happening for a whole 6 months
by Chad 3 July 28, 2019
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When you go into work early to finish a project and your boss tells you that you cannot clock in at that time.
Bob: Dude I went into work early so I could finish up that proposal for the new division of accounting but my boss wouldn't let me clock in.

Stu: Man that sucks, you totally got clock blocked
by Gomer B. December 13, 2011
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When you are perfectly aware that something is hindering your direct vision of a clock in your house, such as dirty dishes blocking a stove clock, or leftover time on a Microwave oven from an unfinished cooking session. Something that you could easily clear and view the time, but you are too lazy to do so.
Friend: Dude, what time is it?"
Me: "I don't know, there's still ten seconds on the microwave from when I cooked popcorn, If you want to know, go clear it.."
Friend: "Your house Clock-Blocked me just now...
by Reverend Joseph August 5, 2012
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When you are having a wet dream but your alarm clock goes off right when you are about to get to the best part.
Nicholas was cranky the other day because he said he got clock blocked.
by JungleNugget May 2, 2016
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one who prevents others from finishing their work day. Intentional, passive aggressive, or unintentional
-Cant punch out til this clock block emails me.
- I can't believe Kyle is clock blocking me. Now my whole evening is ruined.
-my boss is the worst. But, I got back at him with some clock blocking.
by NuteeProf January 14, 2021
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