When you think someone in your class is your friend but they don't feel the same way so you have been classmate-zoned lmao lolllllll get rewtedddddd
by Classmate-Zoned January 6, 2022
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OpposingFork's Classmates are people who smoke and only talk about women, the definition of opposingfork friends is still mostly unkown because opposingforks classmates are real and his friends are discord digital 1000000km far away people.
OpposingFork's Classmates are people who smoke and only talk about women, the definition of opposingfork friends is still mostly unkown because opposingforks classmates are realOpposingFork's Classmates are people who smoke and only talk about women, the definition of opposingfork friends is still mostly unkown because opposingforks classmates are realOpposingFork's Classmates are people who smoke and only talk about women, the definition of opposingfork friends is still mostly unkown because opposingforks classmates are real
by Dako123 October 22, 2023
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Something when your classmates are asains and they don’t know how to calculate 1+1. IDOIT CLASSMATES
Ah these fucking idiot classmates.doesn’t even fucking know how to calculate 1+1, fuck him.
by Fartnite_kidpro88 September 27, 2021
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