To participate in an unforgivable act. Whether it be sexual, halo related, or jillian lowe related.

Bork Dog (kutz) is the official mascot of the borking sport.
Dude I got borked so hard last night in team slayer.
by A brad November 4, 2007
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1. Bork means to combine meat (in this case, beef and pork).
See spam.

2. It can also replace any verb in most cases.

3. Can sometimes be used as an adjective when -y is added on to the end.

The word was believed to be created after a mispronouncing of the word bjork.
1. Dude, this bork is delicious!

2. I borked my girl so hard last night.

3. Sure is borky around here.
by Thoumad? March 15, 2011
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The act of lifting chairs from the ground and putting them in the cubby under the desk, usually to assist the job of the cleaning lady or to annoy a particular teacher
Joey was being really annoying, so I borked him.
Borking all the chairs in the classroom is the best way of finding something that fell on the floor
by An_Anonymous_Borker May 23, 2013
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1) the process of sucking terribly. Commonly done by Jim Belushi and any sucky actor.

2) eating gravy.

3) slang swear
You bork so bad it isn't even funny.
You have a borking spork stuck to your borking head!
by Raccooninabox June 14, 2006
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to have intimate relations with Borker.

"Jenna is so lucky she got borked"
"I bet Borker could bork all night long"
"Once I am borked, my life will be complete"
by Sister#9 September 22, 2008
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