To a married man:
An overcrowded, loud, stinky room filled with over-priced drinks and women advertising body parts that you have vowed to not touch.

To a single man:
The greatest place on earth.
Single man: Dude, let's hit up the bars!
Married man: No.
Single man: Bars have drinks and drunk women!
Married man: I have a wife.
Single man: Wooooo, bars!
by Chizey June 26, 2011
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The other default variable used in programmer's slang
Then I did:
$foo = new MyClass();
$bar = $foo->connect();

but all I got was a PEAR::Error in $bar
by Anonymous October 15, 2002
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Slang term for being under the influence of xanax.
I got so fucking barred last night I didn't remember a thing when I woke up.
by Chachi the Fighter January 26, 2012
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Commonly reffered to as Xanax or Sticks . with about 4mg of xanax in your system you will be pretty much down to do anything from sex with an ugly chick to robbing a gas station. The effects of xanax usually result in simply not caring about anything . You will also have rather extreme memory loss.

Bars are fun but make sure to take them in the right situations and not over due it...(first timers)

They can also put you to sleep for up to 24 hours
Idiot: *wakes up at his friends house*
yo whhatt happened last niightt???
Friend: You go barred the fuck out and tried to rob the should probably lay low.
Idiot: Damn bars really are crazy

by Lesson Learner October 24, 2008
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There are 4 beats to every 'bar'. Bars in the rap music context are the lyrics that you can say over 4 beats. The amount of bars you can spit depend on how fast you can rap your lyrics. Most lyricists use a 16 bar for 1 verse of a song. Whilst singers commonly use 8 bar verses. Although there is a lot of variation.
"Ay blud, i write them bars with ease. Thats why i got nuff of them"

"I spit the illest '16s' you wil ever hear"
by Scott Esskay :D January 6, 2007
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BAR Browning Automatic Rifle was Made in 1918 Chambering a .30-06 Rifle Round.
It Held a 20 Round Clip. The BAR was Best Used in a Group of Men lieing Prone use "covering Fire" Tatics
Johny Droped his BAR Because the German Shot His Arm Off with the MG-42 On Top the Hill
by pipewoofer January 16, 2004
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Used in the north of england to describe money, for example £20 would be 20 Bar and so on.
Yo man, I got 20 bar to go spend in bare shops.
by Jagger20164 December 5, 2016
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