Literally the best person ever, you will never find someone more talented for like everything, you can give them anything and they'll be at least better than the average person. The only problem is their contradicting personality but don't worry it only makes them more interesting.
Bob:"yo look at him, bet he's Gabriel Francis"
Rob:"he's what ?"
Bob:"Gabriel Francis, he's good at everything"
by Delep November 22, 2021
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A type of disease that makes your voice very deep.
Person 1: Yo, why the fuck does Jeef bergey sound like he’s on sulfur hexafluoride?

Person 2: Oh he just has Dillon Francis Disease.
by Drew Gorman August 24, 2022
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When cousins are all at the beach surfing, and one has a totally hairy chest while the others are all baby-seal-slick, that hairy cousin has Francis Fur.

Francis Fur grows like a genetic mutation, and can not be easily shaved. Razors clog and break so tree trimmers are needed. Francis Fur creates enough static electricity on a dry winter day to power a house for a week.

Francis Fur has a Velcro effect and must be covered by a cotton shirt, preferably one with a 4 leaf Irish clover logo on it, in order to prevent static cling to any item.
During a family get together, Uncle Kurt told everyone a surfing story:

“Wow, when cousin Steve, went surfing with cousin Damon, they were riding a wave and really carving the tube. All of a sudden, both boards got magically stuck in the water and they both flew off into the rotor.”

“When they cam up, both boards were stuck to cousin Fran, who had been body surfing in the path. Apparently, his Francis Fur velcroed the boards because he didn’t have his t-shirt on.”

“Luckily, neither Steve nor Damon were injured when the boards were ripped out from under them.”
by No Tango and no Cash September 29, 2023
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She is the best person you will ever meet. She has brown curly hair the the most stunning blue eyes with a golden ring that will take your breath away. She is so sweet and energetic. She can be very stubborn and is very strong in her beliefs. She not only takes your breath away but also your heart. She is beautiful in every way and is super crafty. She is AMAZING at drawing and acting. DON'T get on her bad side you will regret it! If you have a Claire in your life don't let her go!
Person 1-Hey who drew this? It's AMAZING
Person 2- Oh- that was... ME
*Claire Francis slaps the shit out of person 2*
Claire-Shut the fuck up bitch I drew that!
Person 1- Wow...AMAZING
by Girl who got backstabbed April 7, 2022
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A perfect couple, two people who go together like strawberries and milk. They have lots of fun and feel comfortable around each other. They often bond other strange things and a dark sense of humor.
Person 1) "Have you seen Abbie and Francis today?"
Person2) "Yeah, they're relationship goals."
by Narwhal221B December 29, 2016
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