A person that has big head, he always want to argue with somebody even if he was wrong. He didn't accept mistakes. But in terms of love, he's a very kind, generous, and can give all efforts and things to the one he love. If you are a girl you are lucky to have Arnold Owera in life.
Baliw ka ba
-Arnold Owera
by KillSwtich23 June 8, 2021
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History teacher at a school. Spams the assign button on google classroom like a tv remote. Posts an essay for us to do every other day.
Sorry, I can't play csgo with you today. mrs arnold just assigned another essay due at 11:59pm today at 8pm.
by 5:51pm, 14th October 2020 October 14, 2020
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Have sex with a girthy penis so hard the banjo bleeds
I John arnolded last night with betty
John arnolding
by Kellogg's s March 31, 2015
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A mode for males where the balls itch and they start dancing
I cannot get out of Arnold Nose Mode.
by romancatholic500 November 23, 2021
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To subconsciously do an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression without intending to or without knowing you have done so.
"Jim started Arnolding the other day at work and when I talked to him about it he had no idea he'd done it."
by Gleck Flomphkiks June 30, 2023
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a fat ball of blubber and droopiness who will eat you if hes hungry. he also gets no hoes cause he eats them
run! its melo arnold and hes hungry
by jensenthefatass April 20, 2022
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