A skill in dying light that instantly kills whatever it gets executed on, if its used on the Night Hunter in the games PVP mode (be the zombie) you will slash at the night hunter twice killing him instantly, in dying light bad blood, you will slash at your opponent once and kick them away if their health is greater than 50, otherwise youll do the same 2 slashes.
□□□□□ rained death on AussieGrammarGuy from above.
□□□□□: death from above'd from across the map ez cheats
AussieGrammarGuy impaled □□□□□ on spikes.
□□□□□ has left the session.
186379 destroyed a nest.
by dyinglightoverdoser July 3, 2023
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Death grip is when you cum and then hold your penis wety hard.
omg! i'm gonna cum i gotta do the death grip
by Arbobarbro April 5, 2023
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Whenever you put your thumb in your lady friend's asshole and your finger in her vagina, and proceed to pinch as hard as possible
Guy 1: Ew why does your hand smell like that?
Guy 2: I gave my hoe the death grip
by adnutor June 10, 2023
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When a dachshund fucks you up the ass with his snout and then you shit out your dick.
Dude last night was crazy. I was in bed and all the sudden my dog just started giving me a death bark. It hurt like a bitch.
by asslicker22 October 1, 2010
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When your so hungry in the morning after a night of going out with friends. Your prolly not hungover but just really hungry.
I ate a huge steak last night for dinner, a baked potato, and a few beers. It was all good till the next morning I felt like hunger death.
by Bigbrachcock11 August 12, 2017
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the act of telling your friends something urgant
OMG Kenzi! Kris! DEATH COM 7!! My mom is pregnant!
by nrb63 January 28, 2010
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A term defined by the anti-flamingo movement meaning being raped to death by a flock of angry male flamingoes
We hereby sentence you to death by flamingo
by Wanahart12 April 1, 2017
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