Alan Aztec is the Gopnik DJ also known as Hardbass Jesus, he was born in Russia, and is coming to you and USA.
"You dont come to russia
Russia come to you
When Russian man says follow me
Do as HardBass Jesus do

Russia come to you
When Russia come to you
When Russia come to you
When Russia come to USA"
by Voltron132 January 24, 2022
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A term that describes, when your really surprised, confused, mad or rattled?
Bernie: Hey Pev, guess what... Skelator is in front of the house!

Pev: Oh my Jesus Lansus
by Darson Bishop April 14, 2011
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Someone who tries to cram a fresh load of unwanted religion down your throat.
Keith: You should get in touch with God, Kenneth.
Kenneth the Athiest: What a jesus jammer...
by somedude149 May 14, 2014
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Is typically any hot girl that colours her hair different primary colours on a regular weekly basis and struts around with a beautiful figure. She's the type of girl who isn't afraid to take photos in alleys in your downtown districts while in the rain. Hence April as in April showers and her beautiful figure is where Jesus' miracle of giving beauty comes in. Hence April Jesus.
Hey, check out April Jesus over there. Woot woot!

Look at those April Jesus' (used when seeing a big group of hot girls with primary hair colour)
Dam, she's an ugly April Jesus. (used when you see an ugly girl with a primary hair colour. so.. an April Jesus reject or a weeaboo)
Hey, I just saw April Jesus walking in the park.
Fuck you April Jesus! (used when upset with an April Jesus)
by lilacgirl97 May 26, 2022
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When your cross necklace repeatedly smacks a girl in the face as you’re having sex
Her mom thinks I’m a nice boy cause I wear a cross… she don’t know I’m gonna be Jesus bagging her daughter with that cross later.
by Julbean13 August 5, 2023
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Jesus did cum in his time he had cum 3000 times as soon as he was born.
I was watching Jesus Cumming
by JESUS CUMMING April 5, 2023
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