On November 19th, You simply have an argument with your partner/friend with benefit/significant other...for fun!
John: Fuck you Alana.
Alana: Excuse me?
John: It's National Fight With Your Partner Day.
by skeet's street November 20, 2022
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A straight female sex partner who prefers (or is more skilled in) foreplay and heavy petting to penetrative sex.
“She is a Suzi Partner, you will never get to fourth base with her”
by likeitis87 July 17, 2010
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its a boyfriend or girlfriend who also loves to watch Disney movies
My Disney partner is coming over to watch Mulan with me.
by FuckS0C1ety April 28, 2015
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Using and sleeping with a person with a primary purpose of a bed to stay. Also said for a slang or more political correct term for a one night stand.
Billy is in Aspen for the X-games and realizes he only has one hour to find a lodging partner before the bar closes.
by hobbittroll February 23, 2015
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the inflation of an attorneys ego, wants and needs when he or she has been promoted from an associate position to a partner at a law firm.
Alan the Attorney: "Hey Suzy, do I have an aisle seat for my flight?"

Suzy the Secretary: "I'm sure you do, but I will double check."

Alan the Attorney: "Yes, please do. If I don't have an aisle seat I'm going to just kill myself."

Suzy the Secretary (to her co-worker): "Alan has gotten such partneritis since his promotion! He says he'll kill himself if he doesn't get an aisle seat! Maybe I should just put him in the middle ..."
by Suzy the Secretary February 2, 2010
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