A loving girl who deserves everything good that comes her way. A happy soul, and a Christian lover
by Squishyboi July 15, 2023
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Annual Thanksgiving tradition that has taken place in the Big Apple for nearly 100 years. Giant balloons, tons of marching bands, clowns, floats, fun stuff :) Event is annually televised on NBC.
Rando #1: How was your Thanksgiving?
Rando #2: I spent the morning watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and then ate some delicious turkey and watched football.
Rando #1: Sounds like a very wholesome holiday!
by jay gee December 2, 2022
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Maci is a kick boxer who will fight anyone who runs up on her. She is proud to show off her butt to any guy
Maci Martin just beat Kim up because she didn't like her clothes
by Bill 1203 April 17, 2017
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A space cowboy, thinks he has an enormous cock, but in reality has a 2” punisher. A male prostitute that doesn’t charge anything but pussy. If you know a richard Macy than you better stay away from him unless you want to sleep with him. 100% of times he is bisexual. Do not make eye contact with him unless you want to have a 30 second sexual encounter.
by Tsccowboy2020 June 30, 2020
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A laid back kind of guy with a good eye for beautiful women. He's all man though, and will stomp a$$ if need be. Amusing & at times cleverly funny.
I met a really observant man that knows how to keep a poker face, he reminded me of Macy B.
by Kics4chics February 8, 2018
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