The Drunken National Levine Spelling Birthday Bash occurred on October 8th, 2022, at Chelsea and Thomas's house. It is where all of Chelsea's friends got together to celebrate her 33rd birthday by getting drunk and trying to spell words.
The Drunken National Levine Spelling Birthday Bash WAS FUCKING EPIC!!!!!!!
by leeparkershepherd October 8, 2022
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n. any inanimate thing (usually a vehicle) that sways and weaves more than it should, thus causing a safety hazard.
That semi-truck is all over the road like a drunken cobra.
by Sonya H. December 27, 2005
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This is when someone gets so drunk they fall over in the middle of the road with his pants down and starts masturbating at taxi drivers.
I was that hammered last night I did a drunken rob
by Diana’s airbag November 23, 2021
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I am diseased for a room even drunken man of Fred he had, at attending at Fred of alcoholic, while before if touched to a drop.
by man!? July 16, 2017
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This is what occurs during practice when everyone but your section is outside and you've exhausted every ounce of motivation to practice in you. Does not actually include drunken members, or alcohol for that matter.
*Everyone else but section leaves*

Mike: Okay, let's practice!

*five minutes later*

Mike: Okay, time for a drunken discussion!

Everyone else: It's about time!
by Bea Minor July 29, 2017
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The result of a homeless man masturbating on the back of a holiday home owners back as they tan by their pool.
by Allen Charles August 16, 2021
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