Person 1: I hate you!
Person 2: `~1⅑⅐ ⅒ ¹!¡ 2 @² 3 #³ 4 $⁴5 %⁵ 6^⁶7 &⁷8*⁸9(⁹0ⁿ)⁰∅-—_–·=≈≠+∞
Person 1: *cries*
ugh shut up you goofy lil`~1⅑⅐ ⅒ ¹!¡ 2 @² 3 #³ 4 $⁴5 %⁵ 6^⁶7 &⁷8*⁸9(⁹0ⁿ)⁰∅-—_–·=≈≠+∞...
by Iampotato9749 September 21, 2023
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A state of boredom so ungodly that one types all of the keys that have a shift alternative with the original key first, then the shift key next, in a left-to-right fashion. If you see this, please get back to your assignment.
I typed `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+{}\|;:'",<.>/? today because I was so bored that I had the immediate urge to type in whatever this is.
by keyboard combos January 20, 2023
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What Gaben counts to. He forgot a number.
The cycle of Gaben
Guy 1: 1 2 4 5
Guy 2: Wait, you forgot 3!
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The highest and strongest level of a promise that can possibly be promised. By uttering this phrase, one makes a promise that cannot and will not be broken no matter what.
“Speedster dinosaur dark souls 1 dark souls 2 dark souls 3 honor, I will not forget to pick you up later.”
by Robbie Whitefish June 5, 2023
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the boss phase sequence in destiny 2: Beyond Light's "Disgraced" strike, referring to the 1 phase the boss appears on the bottom at the start of the final encounter, the 2 phases up on the rear wooden platform, and a final phase back at the bottom of the room.

not an innuendo for sexual positioning whatsoever.
"remember, give her 1 in the bottom, 2 in the top, and finish on the bottom. take it easy now, so as to avoid accidents boys."
by ParkCity November 17, 2020
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A super-pleasant activity --- usually performed as a playful farewell gesture --- whereby you smilingly extend one hand at a time to the other person, then firmly bob both his hands up and down once.
The 1-2-3 handshake is most often administered by a mushy-hearted guy to a pretty girl whom he's met for the first time; it's a way of showing that he really enjoyed the "sit together awhile and chat" session that she shared with him, and hopes that they can continue their friendship for the foreseeable future.
by QuacksO March 2, 2023
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Describes da varying degrees of hard-on dat a male golfer gets from watching a hot busty number lean over to tee up a ball, revealing her luscious cleavage for him to see; da more of her ample tits dat get revealed to his lustful gaze dat way, da higher his "wood number".
I went through a complete range of "1, 2, and 3 woods" while Tiffany was playing a round of golf wif me; finally I couldn't stand it anymore, and so I yanked down her golfing shorts and took her right then and there in da middle of the putting green!
by QuacksO October 19, 2023
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