It’s the phobia of tay.

When your friend scares you so bad that you know have tay phobia
Tay you scare me, that I now have Tay-phobia
by BleuzCluez July 20, 2021
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(N.) Fear of getting hitsticked while running the ball
That boy has hitstick-phobia
by Jdhddjdjduddndb October 21, 2022
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When you gaga while giving a blow job.
No more BJ's, I have weenie gaga phobia!
by BJWGP August 12, 2023
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The fear of a receding hairline before the age of 18, could be used to describe people who LeBron has dunked on.
The other day I saw Kevin Garnett shopping at savers and suddenly he broke out into a cold sweat...I think he has LeBron-a-phobia.
by LeByron January 24, 2023
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