Generally used to poke fun at people who did completely idiotic things leading to their deaths
Thank god that grandma who brought a whole shopping cart onto the escalator was removed from the Gene Pool.
by whoa220 November 15, 2022
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Some say the name doesn’t fit him because he is an easy going gentle giant of a man! Loyal to a fault, however if provoked he will unleash hell on you!
DANG, did you see that? He just put the Mean Gene upside his head!

You don’t tug on Super Man’s Cape, you don’t spit into the wind, you don’t pull the mask off of the Lone Ranger and you don’t mess around with Mean Gene!
by Unakaus January 1, 2019
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The skank gene refers to the quality of a person that no matter what, they will always have a skanky appearance. Also referred to simply as "the gene."
That girl really has the skank gene. - or - That guy really has the gene.
by i.theGiant May 9, 2011
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Having a distaste for uncomfortable weather, having a preference for comfortable weather

Not to be confused with bitch-boy foreigner jeans, which are highly valuable
“A 70 degree dry night is easily better than a 55 degree wet night”
“Your bitch-boy foreigner genes are kicking in
by Jj McWeiner June 12, 2020
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When one's family tree resembles a straight line - there is a clearly defined line running down to up but nothing much intersecting to provide movement to the left or right. This phenomenon is most commonly observed in eastern Utah and parts of the Deep South - those other pockets do exist.
Dude, welcome to Utah County, home of the Sister Wives. Hey, I might be a redneck, but even I'm not down with gene pool monopoly. Get me the hell out of this Truman Show.
by Lovell from UT November 4, 2010
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Gene Harris a delightfully roll of the tongue substitute for God Damn or Mother Fucker. Mostly used when in shock or excitement.
“Did you hear that Lions made the playoffs?”
“Well Gene Harris…..”
by Carl Long March 22, 2022
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The P.F. stands for proven fertile. Women who carry this gene typically have children; though it is possible that they may have just had several abortions/miscarriages. The use of birth control may not prevent pregnancy in a women with the P.F. gene. While this gene is typically found in women there are some cases of men with very determined sperm. A man with the P.F. gene will usually have several kids with different women. It is generally not advised to sleep with someone who has the P.F. gene because birth control typically won’t work.
Steve: Dude I met this girl Jen she has two kids but she is bangin!!!
Brandon: I would be careful man sounds like she has the P.F. gene.
Steve: DUDE! I need money for an abortion! Her birth control didn't work.
Brandon: I warned you man its the P.F. gene
by SterlingSilver November 1, 2016
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