something audrey does because she doesn’t love me, pls babe i’m begging u one more chance
olivia is my favourite girlfriend”
-“i thought i was your favourite”
“because ur in england

-“that’s distanceism”
by audreysfavegf February 26, 2022
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When an event of some sort is right around the corner or really close to happening.
Tyler's birthday is in pissing distance.
by FollowMeOnTwitter@Nextarity March 25, 2022
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To avoid a former best buddy because of a banal quarrel.

Within a small town quite a challenge.
Sets all your friends under pressure because the one who is doing "urban distancing"

expects that you are acting the same way he does to his former buddy.

If you don't follow him doing "urban distancing" - he will leave in a huff.
He is urban distancing him again.

"Why are you urban distancing me?"
"He you! Are you doing a little bit urban distancing again?"
"Stop urban distancing him! You are both my friends!"
by princess2020 May 25, 2020
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When you have a very personal vendetta against an enemy and you keep your distance close enough for you to see your unscrupulous dastardly and disgusting sycophant in your sights while masterfully evading the aforementioned party with whom you have writ the contract of avengeance and misery to besmerch said "wrong doer" henceforth and forever more the end of history in perpetuity
Untill they force someone in a position to eradicate the vermin once and for all. I will keep a vengeful distance ever vigilant.
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So I think my girl is cheating. I keep seeing signs that its happening, but she wont come clean. Sad excuses for men are ,Long Distance Lurking but wont run up.
Came out the house dude looking but wont run up, hollar, sign, fart, cuss, NOTHING! Long Distance Lurking by that tree in the field.
by its Ike baby February 12, 2019
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to be physically social during social distancing during coronavirus. Meaning that you're still hanging out with friends even though there's a world crisis. A socially social distancer will have an ignorant family, and goes out with friends so they can post about it, thinking they're cool because they're breaking the rules. They do it for clout. They don't care about the people that are dying, they want to maintain they're status, or they're going out to do drugs because they're addicts.
God, that whole group is still going to each other's houses and socially social distancing! What asshats! Stay inside!
by my definitions are precise April 21, 2020
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A word describing the part of a human brain which calculates distances in social situations. An example is someone missing the "Distance-brain". They might not know how close or how far they should walk to other people.
Guy 1 doesn't have the "Distance-brain" and walks into the guy in front.
Guy 2 "Wtf!!! Are you missing your distance-brain or something?"
by Jjadfi August 23, 2017
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