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by mtyuaduauduve3845 March 14, 2022
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On november 4 it’s make a song day. Make a song with a ukulele guitar or piano any instrument you want
Carol: Hey Kyle can i hear the song you made?
Kyle: Uhh...Ohh it’s make a song day today
by anihulleyy November 3, 2019
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this phrase can be used to insult those who are going crazy and talking about how amazing and cute jinns are. (yes sakim i’m talking about you). it’s said that these type of people suck poopoo and are crazy in the head
“omg max is such a jinn in the making..”

yeah i know
by marluuvsyou December 2, 2021
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When attractive parents birth an ugly child.
“You were definitely a make-a-wish sperm, dude.”
by Yourmomsboyfriend April 3, 2023
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When someone wants to make a dirty joke but doesn't say it and leaves it to the listeners imagination.
by lemonpopeanuts March 28, 2023
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Fudgey substances that excrete from your butt.
Hey, did you see Rhonda last week? Yea boi, She had some booty make all over her panties.. it was so fudgilicious looks like can’t eat her booty no mo! Stanky too!
by sleeplesseuphoric March 8, 2018
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A saying used by fools. Make's no sense. Stab me with sporq.

I heard that Hannah turned out well! Sure! Dude! YEaHHAHEHE Pressure makes Diamonds ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
by MEMESFORTHENIGHT October 10, 2023
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