The larger, usually cleaner bathroom stall designed for the wheelchair-bound, retards, or wheelchair-bound tards. It is equipped with toilet seat paper ass gaskets, large rolls of TP, and handle bars to enable ass hovering or to give you something to grab onto when you really need to push one out.
Man 1- "Those hot wings have brought on a massive shit storm!"

Man 2- "I shall take you to Wal-mart. They have decent tard stalls."

Man 1- "Sounds good, I just hope that some tard hasn't explosively shit all over like last time."

Man 2- "Haven't you heard holmes? They remodeled the bathroom after that. The tard stall has new, improved handlebars!"
by Litaker July 7, 2011
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Stall-warts are ugly opportunistic politicians who stall projects and progress
Opposition stall-warts are good-hating ugly political warts that pop up everywhere. In USA they block or delay Covid relief measures. In India they block Parliament, Roads or even reforms. In UK they block Brexit. These stall-warts are ugly undesirable features and keep popping up in every country.
by AJMOH February 2, 2021
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An excuse for not doing something that one does not want to do.
His excuse about needing time to study is a border stall; he just doesn't like being with her.
by smjgJsbjgsm December 31, 2019
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Stall is the objective best song in the Minecraft soundtrack.
"yo I'm putting on some MC music"
"oh? What song?"
"Only the best"
*stall plays*
by Jsiee September 1, 2020
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Whilst taking a shit you realize there is no toilet paper and have to move stalls mid shit with your underwear on your knees to a stall with toilet paper and finnish shitting
Cole: i had to commence a stall transplant midshit in Walmart

J.B.: same happened to me last year
by Lynyrd4skynyrd March 14, 2019
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Whilst taking a shit you realize there is no toilet paper in your stall so you swap stalls mid shit with your pants at your knees to continue the shit and wipe
Cole: ihad to commence a stall transplant at Walmart last week
J.B. : yeah me too
by Lynyrd4skynyrd March 14, 2019
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The inability to act or do for a brief. Of time. The drug(primarily Xanax are other benzodiazepines) induced pause before completing a task. Being stuck or acting slow.
It took him 10 minutes to do, because he had a 10 min. long Xanax-stall before doing it.
by Wyte Dave February 24, 2019
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