Some blonde girl who makes 1 million dollars on only fans. Corrina Kopf and other girls besides her and they pay no taxes on their income. And if you say all of this in society you'll be vilified as a sexist and incel. Society now a days discriminates against men of average look, traits, wealth, and facial features. Naw bro the lich king is over man that was in 2008.
Why are Stacy overlords making more money then men who work?
A Stacy overlord has no heart.

A stacy overlord is a lich queen
by Spectator222 August 6, 2023
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Jaxon Stacy is a really cool guy and he gets you up when you're feeling down
Person: Yo jaxon Stacy you're cool and I think you should be a celebrity
Jaxon Stacy: I know I'm cool and thanks for the ego boost
by Tragiclangton78 January 4, 2022
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