1. A film filmed, for the most part, on the freeway. 2. A style of film. A film genre.
1. The film, speed, can be categorised as a freeway film.
2. I think the film, mad max 2, is a grand example of the true essence of freeway film.
by Charles Monroe II January 16, 2019
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A movie made in the age when nobody knew what a shower was, everyone was anxious, and light reflecting off the skin happened even when there was seemingly no light.
Person 1: Ew. What the hell is that movie you're watching?

Person 2: Just some sweat film that my dad keeps recommending me.
by F1 For Help November 13, 2020
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a film or television series (such as the film and show Crash) in which multiple stories are told through different viewpoints, usually an overused concept found in many movies and shows
The movie Love, Actually is a crash course film because it shows the stories of different individuals
by Mister_E January 2, 2010
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I downloaded mucky films onto my dads laptop and now it has a virus.
by BigA1990 June 1, 2018
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This is when you do something bad or act selfishly without taking into account the amazing balance of the universe and forget that Karma is going to come and bite you in the arse. Your fast ass gets chomped badly by Karma as if you're in a film. Hence, Karma Film. Booya!
"Do you think you'll be friends with him again?" "No... He's got his Karma Film coming at him."
by fuckyoubuddy October 30, 2011
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THAT'S WHAT THE OTHER GUY SAID! And the charlatan! Everything I do is literally THE BEST THING ANYONE HAS EVER DONE!
Hym "LOOK AT HIM! LOOK AT HIM! THE MOST IMPORTANT FILM HE'S EVER MADE!?!? The premise of the film is LITERALLY my relationship with Dr. Jordan Peterson! A renowned psychiatrist is SUMMONED by a guy claiming to be a demon. THAT is LITERALLY THIS! HE EVEN USED THE SCENE I DESCRIBE WHERE I GOT SO SAY SOMETHING AND THE LIGHT FLICKERS (Except in the trailer the light explodes but whatever)!The most important thing he's ever done! Why!? Because this is LITERALLY the most compelling thing ever written! Every day I grow closer to surpassing Shakespeare! Prerequisite text! Greatest writer in the history of humanity! Cannot be surpassed! The single most productive and generous man in the history of humanity! Giving away billions, literally! The greatest mind! A literal genius by every definition of the word! BETTER THAN EVERYONE!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WOOOOOO ME!!!"
by Hym Iam April 12, 2023
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That one little bit of popcorn that lives between your teeth for three days after you see a film.
I had a sentimental moment today when my tongue finally got that film shrapnel out of my teeth and we said a last goodbye.
by daltonjfk August 30, 2019
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