he is a straight bitch ass snitching ass nigga and he can’t fight worth a fuck
”clayton”is a snitch
by TrxpOnLean March 3, 2020
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Loves a girl name abreanna she hates a kid name kay and hopes he dies in Joel butt hole
by Clay.trey October 6, 2019
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clayton’s are dirtbags, don’t fw them unless they rage your tits
don’t talk to clayton, you’ll get hurt.
by gracialina April 12, 2020
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Clayton is tall mofo who gets popular quick but ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed. He has many different friend groups and a little brother whom he beats to get his anger out. He listens to the darndest songs that he gets suggested from his friend. He gets all the girls.
I found a wild Clayton in his natural habitat.
by Dueejekfif October 11, 2019
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I nice guy who loves to watch YouTube, can be really nice just don't get on their bad side that's when things get bad between you and them
you: oh hi Clayton
Clayton: hi, are you doing?
by MeowDax December 7, 2020
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Lame ass ghetto ass hood ass dusty ass school filled wit teachers who can't teach.
Person 1: Aye bro I just saw a possum in the hallway.

Person 2: Typical of North Clayton High School.

Person 3: Everybody on the fucking ground.
by Urban dictionary home October 16, 2019
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