Drew Gross is usually kind and gentle. He can be very grateful and generous. He loves his family and friends. Drew wants to be the best he can be. Drew plays many sports and is good at them all. Drew Is a sexy and loving man. He has a nice cock. He does not have a chode and if he does then he is not a Drew like Drew Gross. Drew is shy at times and has very strong and big muscles. When Drew loves a girl he hides and but will look at her and smile. Drew with love this girl with a passion. He will have the opportunity to ask this girl out but won't take it. He lost that chance and that girl asked out one of his friends or one of his family members deep down Drew loves this girl and wants her but this family member got her first. Deep down the girl loves him to but doesn't know how to tell anybody about it.
Girl: look how hot Drew is playing basketball

Girls friend: what Drew

Girl: Drew Gross
by The girl you want November 29, 2021
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An exclamation of surprise when seeing something disgusting.
I explained, "Goodness grossness!" when the rather large when bent over and her phone peaked out.
by Kjahnke812 July 18, 2017
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